Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Judge Francie

In second period today, we had a guest speaker come in and talk. She was in criminal law. Currently she is a judge, but previously she was a prosecutor. I'm so fascinated by everything she had told us. She was a bada$$, not gonna lie. I'd love to be like her and I'm extremely fascinated by that type of law. I kinda am thinking I want to go to law school.
“I’m not going to tell you my whole goddam autobiography or anything” is an ideal example of the childish and disheartened diction of Salinger. Don't use a long quotation as the subject of a sentence.

"One of those little English jobs that can do around two hundred miles an hour," destroy any last vestige of formality, further developing the aura of simply telling a story to a friend.DOnt use a long quotation as the subject of the sentence

The Mezzanine, written by Nicholson Baker is elegant, elevated, and also scholarly in the verbs being used. This excerpt was not extremely musical. It was also literal in denotation, as while reading it. Throughout the excerpt Barker used excellent verbs and description to explain all of the sentences.-Let's Start! Written in past tense

Baker describes as the escalator as "They were the free standing kind: a pair of integral signs swooping upward between the two floors they served without struts or piers to bear any intermediate weight" -TheyCallMeFreshMoney Too long of a quotation

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Dear John

Seriously has the most depressing ending ever in the book

The Mezzanine claim

Nicholson Baker's diction in The Mezzanine is evocative and straightforward. His slightly elevated words are refined, almost business like. Baker describes the escalators as "a pair of integral signs." His use of words expresses a dignified suggestiveness within the tone.

Friday, October 21, 2011


In Stardust, Neil Gaiman uses a familar language, a picturesque tone and meloduous sound to the reader.

 Max Brooks, the author from the book World War Z, talks in a more blunt and common tone.

This book takes place in the 1800's so naturally the diction and language is more formal and musical.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Style Mapping

Annie Proulx, Cormac McCarthy, and Paolo Bacigalupui all have their own way of expressing themselves with their diction. Annie Proulx writes with a figurative but a familiar tone. She expresses her words with mostly common words, however; she is extremely descriptive in her works. "Gleaming with sweat" from the excerpt "The Mud Below" is a simple yet intriguing description. Cormac McCarthy writes with a completely different style compared to Annie Proulx. McCarthy expresses his words in a literal, poetic way. "Now comes days of begging, days of theft" is a line from Blood Meridian. His style in this excerpt shows his lyrcial ways of using words. Paolo Bacigalupui has a similar writing tone as Annie Proulx. He wrties figuratively with a touch of suggestiveness. His diction is more blunt rather than Proulx and has a little more edgineess to his words. "The staples pinged about the cramped metal passage like coins offered to the Scavenge God" is a line from his award winning book the Ship Breaker. In this short line, he shows his extrodinary writing style.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Sentences of the Week

"Go ahead and try and tear me down, I will be rising from the ground like a skyscraper..."

"Did you forget..that I was even alive?"

"Somewhere we went wrong.."

God will put me through nothing that I can't handle...


I find myself drawn to the more lovey dovey books...For some reason I love reading about some amazing love story which I don't really know why because personally I don't believe it truly exists... For example, I loved the book Dear John... Which ended completely different than what the movie did.. I prefer the book. I think it was better even though it had a more trajic ending. Other books I like reading are ones with a good story. I like reading about people that have been through a lot and have had it hard and reading about them overcoming obstacles through their life. I'm not a big fan of books that end sadly however I like to read about someones struggle. I enjoy reading but it is sometimes tough to find the time to sit down and read. I have a lot going on right now with my other six classes and school, then my family and volunteering and student government. But I do my best to fit it in. I just stared reading this book that I think will be good its about a young man that just hopes to live another day when he finds a clipper ship that was involved with the hurricane. He has to figure out if he wants to strip the boat of all that its worth or save the beautiful girl, only survivor, that could possibly lead him to a better life.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


This has been the worst week of my life... Monday, my sister Emerald got into a car wreck on her way home from school..She ended up at the hospital for three days and had to get metal plates put into her arm.. A guy.. I won't say any names but he did an illegal U turn right in front of her without any warning.. She was going 45 when he pulled out in front of her and she quickly tried to downshift and stop but it was too late and slammed in his car and shattered her wrist and broke a bone in her arm.. I didn't find out until one of my friends called me asking if she was okay but I was clueless I didn't even know what she was talking about.. I was so scared.. Todays my first day back at school and I'm just so tired. I've been at the hospital since Monday. We finally got her home last night. The scary thing was I was supposed to be in the car with her but I forgot my ipod so I told her she could leave and I'd get a ride from a friend.. So she left.. But what would have happened if I was in the car... Would I have been alright or in the hospital right next to her. I feel bad I wasn't with her because she was alone.. Maybe if I would have made her wait for me instead..things would be different.. It never woulda happened.. Emerald would be fine and she would be able to pole vault.. like today. But no she isn't going to be able to pole vault for at least four months. I feel so terrible. I hate to say it or..even write it but I wish it could have been me instead of her I don't need my arm like she does.. She's a strong girl though I know she will get through this all. But you never really realize how much you care and love someone until something bad happens to them. My sister is my one best friend for life.