Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Style Mapping

Annie Proulx, Cormac McCarthy, and Paolo Bacigalupui all have their own way of expressing themselves with their diction. Annie Proulx writes with a figurative but a familiar tone. She expresses her words with mostly common words, however; she is extremely descriptive in her works. "Gleaming with sweat" from the excerpt "The Mud Below" is a simple yet intriguing description. Cormac McCarthy writes with a completely different style compared to Annie Proulx. McCarthy expresses his words in a literal, poetic way. "Now comes days of begging, days of theft" is a line from Blood Meridian. His style in this excerpt shows his lyrcial ways of using words. Paolo Bacigalupui has a similar writing tone as Annie Proulx. He wrties figuratively with a touch of suggestiveness. His diction is more blunt rather than Proulx and has a little more edgineess to his words. "The staples pinged about the cramped metal passage like coins offered to the Scavenge God" is a line from his award winning book the Ship Breaker. In this short line, he shows his extrodinary writing style.

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