Thursday, October 13, 2011


This has been the worst week of my life... Monday, my sister Emerald got into a car wreck on her way home from school..She ended up at the hospital for three days and had to get metal plates put into her arm.. A guy.. I won't say any names but he did an illegal U turn right in front of her without any warning.. She was going 45 when he pulled out in front of her and she quickly tried to downshift and stop but it was too late and slammed in his car and shattered her wrist and broke a bone in her arm.. I didn't find out until one of my friends called me asking if she was okay but I was clueless I didn't even know what she was talking about.. I was so scared.. Todays my first day back at school and I'm just so tired. I've been at the hospital since Monday. We finally got her home last night. The scary thing was I was supposed to be in the car with her but I forgot my ipod so I told her she could leave and I'd get a ride from a friend.. So she left.. But what would have happened if I was in the car... Would I have been alright or in the hospital right next to her. I feel bad I wasn't with her because she was alone.. Maybe if I would have made her wait for me instead..things would be different.. It never woulda happened.. Emerald would be fine and she would be able to pole vault.. like today. But no she isn't going to be able to pole vault for at least four months. I feel so terrible. I hate to say it or..even write it but I wish it could have been me instead of her I don't need my arm like she does.. She's a strong girl though I know she will get through this all. But you never really realize how much you care and love someone until something bad happens to them. My sister is my one best friend for life.

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