Friday, September 30, 2011

German Shepherd pup

I have two German Shepherds...They may not look like this anymore but they once did. Hans and Bruna are their names.. They're my babies. Bruna has a spunky, crazy attitude and Hans acts as the house's protector with his calm, serious attitude.


Honesty is extremely important to me. It's sooooooo important to me and just recently I found out two of the closest people to me have been lying and hiding somethings from me for a pretty long time. I wasn't upset of to what they did.. I was heartbroken that they felt they couldn't tell me because they thought I would look down upon them. Like what kind of a friend am I? If they feel the need to keep pretty big things from me..I don't understand it at all.. I just feel betrayed almost.. But I know they feel bad for hiding it and they have both apologized numerous times.. It might take some time but I'm know I'll forgive them eventually.
Honesty really is the best policy...

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Dear John

The story starts out with John being a sergeant in the military, he joined to straighten out his life, he was a young troubled kid who needed some discipline. A couple years after joining, he decided to come home to visit his father who has some sort of disease, autism or some sort of obsessive compulsive disorder. While he was on leave, he returned home to check up on his father and see how he was doing. Then he met Savannah. Savannah made Johns hear melt, he fell in love with her within just two weeks of being home. His short summer romance gave him so much hard ache when he had to return to his base. John would be gone for a year, he anticipated when he would be able to see Savannahs face again. Savannah wrote him everyday until he returned home for good. Then, devastation struck the heart of the country. The 9/11 attacks on the US left John with a huge decision to either fight for his country or marry Savannah. Contemplating as what to do, this decision would affect his love for forever. All of his team members wanted to re-enlist. John joined, he felt like he needed to serve his country and fight for what he believes in. Savannah was left in ruins. She has to idea what to do and she doesn't know if she can wait any longer for him. Her heart had already been aching with pain from the last time that he left her, he would be gone for another year. This is as far as I have gotten in the book so far. It's definitely sad.

Friday, September 23, 2011

My home

This is Newport Beach, California... Sadly this is where I used to live. well it's not sad it's just sad that I moved here from there....kinda depressing.. We still own a house out there but we only are out there in the summers. Don't ask me why we moved here..I couldn't tell you or at least couldn't give you a good reason. Ha. well I miss it there tons.. but thankfully I go there every summer to visit all my family that lives there. I was just there visiting some of my friends and family a couple months ago before school started back up. It's such a different world there than here.. It's so weird! And my friends were telling me that I got an accent which I don't understand because I'm pretty sure people in Indiana don't have accents.. But I mean I guess we do.. It's whatever.. But yeah I went out there by myself this past summer and just stayed with my grandparents because my family was busy traveling everywhere this summer for one of my sibilings. It was weird because my sister usually always goes with me and it was my first time flying by myself. It was definitely an experiance.. I was with my cousins a lot who are only like 7 and 5.. They are able to speak fluently three different languages already..French, English, and Serbian. They are in the process of learning Spanish too. I wish I could do that! hah but that's a joke. If schools really want kids to learn multiple languages they should start at a young age.. By the time we get to highschool it's too late.. it will never come natural to us. My uncle is from Serbia and he wanted them to be bi-langual which is understandable. It's a European thing. But when I was babysitting them a lot of time it was annoying because I would be talking to the younger one and she mixes her languages. In one senctence she speaks will consist of all three languages so I had to have Una the older one translate a lot of the time what Dara was saying. But it was really fun. I can't wait until next summer. I think I want to go to college there but I'm not posittive yet...

Sentences of the Month

“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.”
Marilyn Monroe
“I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.”
Marilyn Monroe
“Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.”
Marilyn Monroe
These sentences are my absolute favorite. I love Marilyn Monroe, she was quite interesting and I like the way she thought about life even though her life ended in trajedy. But anyways, these are my three winners of the month.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Why has ketchup stayed the same and mustard come in dozen varieties?

John Rock's Error

John Rock was the one that invented birth control. Malcom wrote an article on John and about how he created it and the error he made. This has nothing to do with me being on or interested in becoming on birth control. I just found this article fascinating. I found it extremely ironic because John was actually catholic...and aren't Catholics against all types of contrception of any type of bitrh control? Well interesting enough birth control is a natural contraception. Many catholics were still against it and hated John and his work even though it was technically natural.

What the Dog Saw

Malcom Gladwell has been a staff writer for the The New Yorker since 1996 and this book of his is a collection of his greatest hits. It's pretty interesting he writes about all types of things such as hair dye, why catch up is the only condement that is the same since from when it was first invented

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sentences of the Week

  1. The hardest thing is to take less when you can get more. -Kin Hubbard
  2. When you become senile, you won't know it.-Bill Cosby
  3. I love to go to Washington - if only to be near my money. -Bob Hope

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

My claim

Color- Vivid, bright, graceful, colorful
Use of space- Tranquil
Setting- Unusual, crowded, glamorous, gleaming, adventurous
Medium- Smooth, clear

The color of the picture is extrememly vivid and colorful. The picture automatically catches your eye because of how bright it is. The setting is unusual because of the usage of space which is almost tranquil. There is so much to look at when looking at the picture. It seems adventurous and gamorous. The medium is so clear that you can see every little detail in the painting.


Friday, September 16, 2011

Sara Teasdale

The princess has her lovers,
A score of knights has she,
And each can sing a madrigal,
And praise her gracefully.

But Love that is so bitter
Hath put within her heart
A longing for the scornful knight
Who silent stands apart.

And tho' the others praise and plead,
She maketh no reply,
Yet for a single word from him,
I ween that she would die.

Quotes of the Week

“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.”
Marilyn Monroe
This is so true...If you can't handle me at my worst..then you don't deserve me at my best.
“I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.”
Marilyn Monroe
I love Marilyn Monroe..She has some of my favorite quotes.
“Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.”
Marilyn Monroe,
I'd rather be having fun and crazy then be dull and boring.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Why is it that the people that have been through the most are the happiest ones? You think it would be the opposite. You would think that people who have had it the hardest would be angry and unhappy. Not saying some aren't but many are the exact opposite. On the other hand, many of the wealthy ones that have it all are lonely drunks? It doesn't make sense to me. I have met an older lady who is one of my grandma friends who has probably had the hardest life that I know of. She's the sweetest lady I have ever met and she's happy as far as I can see. I mean I'm sure she's lonely but she doesn't let that affect her whole life. She's around 75 I believe. When she was born her parents took her to an orphanage and just left her there. She grew up with the nuns and when she turned eighteen her mom came because she wanted her back.. The only reason her parents wanted her was so she could work and pay her parents the little money she earned for herself. She obviously didn't want to go with her parents that just wanted to use her.. Two weeks before her parents came she met this man that was "courting" her.. She didn't know him really at all..but she decided to runaway and get married to him because it was the only way that she wouldn't have to go live with her parents. The man she married wasn't the best guy either which she realized after the fact what she did. She never loved him and she spent the rest of her life with him. On top of that he didn't treat her real well. He beat her and was very controlling. She wasn't aloud to have any friends and they had one daughter who ended up becoming extremely sick in her early 30's. She died quickly after she got sick and the worst part is that Mary, the lady's husband woudn't let her see her daughter before she passed. I can't imagine... And then a few years later he ended up dying. The only two family members she had. She may not have loved him but he was all she had. Now she's all alone, doesn't have much but she's the sweetest most caring lady in the world. It blows my mind. That's all I have to say..

Sentences of the Week

"Love is much like a wild rose, beautiful and calm, but willing to draw blood in its defense"

I think this pretty much speaks for itself. Something that can be so amazing but can also feel like the worst thing.

"What would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?" Erica E. Hirsch
No one would strive in this world if there was no failure.

"You'll never know how strong you are............ Until being strong is the ONLY choice you have!"

I love this one because it's so true. The strongest people are the ones that have been through the most.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Last night

Last night was the worst night of my life. I haven't felt so sick I think ever. I missed school Thursday and Friday unwillingly. I wanted to come to school today but I was up all night throwing up. I didn't fall asleep till about 6 am. Through the whole thing though my mom was right by my side helping me through it all. She's so amazing. I love her so much. I don't know what I would do without her and the book I'm currently reading just breaks my heart because I can't imagine going through what the girl in the book is going through.

Sentences of the Week

"She is a friend of mine....The pieces I am, she gather them and give them back to me in all the right order." -Toni Morrison 

I found this quote in the book I'm reading. It's about love and friendship. I don't know. I really just love it.

"Depressing business, heartbreak, no picnic no matter how you look at it. But never fear, you can cure yourself if you feel like it. Follow these handy instructions." -Cynthia Heimel

Heartbreak is curable no matter how bad it is you can fix it. You just have to find the power within yourself to actually fix it.

"Anything worth doing well is worth doing slowly." -Gypsy Rose Lee

I believe good things take time. Nothing great will come out of quick time. Patience is a big key to many things in life.
If anyone is wondering why I keep blogging about boys is because of this specific one in my life. Were extremely close like I like him a lot but I don't want a boyfriend. And he is trying to ruin our friendship because all of a sudden he has some "Feelings" for me.. Like. NO. STOP. Why can't guys and girls be just friends..? I don't understand. At all.


Also, I don't understand why people waste their time in highschool on relationships? All they do is cause heartache. Highschool is about having FUN! Not about falling in love and meeting the one person you're going to be with for the rest of your life. This is what I don't think girls understand. They expect too much out of boys in high school and they blind themselves from reality. If girls would focus on school as much as they do on their relationships, every girl would have straight A's.


The book I'm currently reading... Cures for heartbreak is not only about learning how to deal with the death of her mother.. but she meets this guy who is a total jerk. It just reminded me of my personal experiences. Like I don't understand boys? Why are they so indecisve and annoying. They can never make up their minds and they don't ever leave you alone.