Friday, September 23, 2011

My home

This is Newport Beach, California... Sadly this is where I used to live. well it's not sad it's just sad that I moved here from there....kinda depressing.. We still own a house out there but we only are out there in the summers. Don't ask me why we moved here..I couldn't tell you or at least couldn't give you a good reason. Ha. well I miss it there tons.. but thankfully I go there every summer to visit all my family that lives there. I was just there visiting some of my friends and family a couple months ago before school started back up. It's such a different world there than here.. It's so weird! And my friends were telling me that I got an accent which I don't understand because I'm pretty sure people in Indiana don't have accents.. But I mean I guess we do.. It's whatever.. But yeah I went out there by myself this past summer and just stayed with my grandparents because my family was busy traveling everywhere this summer for one of my sibilings. It was weird because my sister usually always goes with me and it was my first time flying by myself. It was definitely an experiance.. I was with my cousins a lot who are only like 7 and 5.. They are able to speak fluently three different languages already..French, English, and Serbian. They are in the process of learning Spanish too. I wish I could do that! hah but that's a joke. If schools really want kids to learn multiple languages they should start at a young age.. By the time we get to highschool it's too late.. it will never come natural to us. My uncle is from Serbia and he wanted them to be bi-langual which is understandable. It's a European thing. But when I was babysitting them a lot of time it was annoying because I would be talking to the younger one and she mixes her languages. In one senctence she speaks will consist of all three languages so I had to have Una the older one translate a lot of the time what Dara was saying. But it was really fun. I can't wait until next summer. I think I want to go to college there but I'm not posittive yet...

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